Your Taxi Driver can Either meet you at the Free “Long stay car park” (Where there is no parking charge for 1 Hour) or at the Drop Off and Collection point outside the Terminal which is £6 FOR 15 MINS AND THEN 1 PER A MINUTE AFTER THAT
How to get to the Free “Long Stay Car Park”
If you opt For the Free Pickup and collection your driver will Drop or Collect you at the “Longstay car Park” and there is a Free and Regular (Usually 10 Minutes ) Shuttle Bus that will take you from the car park to directly outside the terminal .Or if Wish to leave the airport the same bus will take you from the Airport to the Long Stay Car park.
The Below video is of the Bus you need to Take from outside the terminal to the Longstay car park or Vice Versa.
You can clearly see it says “Long Stay Car Park” on the front and sides and is Silver and has the Luton Airport Logo on it
We advise you be collected and dropped off at the Longstay car park (Unless your in a rush ) for the following Reasons :-
1. Its Free and saves you £6 per a Visit
2.There is a regular Bus ( Usually every 10 Minutes) to Directly outside the Airport Terminal so there is minimal walking with your Cumbersome bags and or luggage and minimal exposure to the elements.
3.If We drop you at the £6 Paid Drop off and collection point you still have to walk a Few hundred Meters with your luggage in open air ie with no Protection from the elements such as Rain,Wind,Cold air and snow
4.Please note in the past a customer had their bags stolen while walking to the Airport Terminal so please pay attention to your Surroundings
The Bus Stop at which your Driver will meet you in the Long Stay Car park should you need collection from Luton is Bus Stop 6 (Please Exit the bus at this Bus-stop as if you disembark at the wrong Bus stop your Taxi cannot collect you without blocking Traffic)

To meet at the Drop of and Collection point .Exit the main building and loot for the area where normal passenger cars ie not taxis are dropping of customers . it will be signposted as DROP of point